• Davis Landscape Architecture Chocolate factory Haringey Residential Landscape Architect Podium Render Plan
  • Davis Landscape Architecture Chocolate factory Haringey Residential Landscape Architect Podium Construction
  • Davis Landscape Architecture Chocolate factory Haringey Residential Landscape Architect Podium Planter Construction
  • Davis Landscape Architecture Chocolate factory Haringey Residential Landscape Architect Podium Detail Construction
  • Davis Landscape Architecture Chocolate factory Haringey Residential Landscape Architect Podium Play Construction

Chocolate Factory, Western Road, Haringey, London

We were appointed by a design and build contractor client to prepare information to discharge landscape architect’s planning conditions, tender information, then a full construction package of information for this new build residential development.

This 0.40 Ha plot is located on a brown field site and these proposals form part of the Chocolate Factory masterplan prepared by Barton Willmore. Our proposals were based on their consented masterplan.

A railway line embankment is located beyond west boundary of this site, adjacent to Western Road. Beyond the north boundary the existing Chocolate Factory Workspace is located. The remainder of the plot’s boundaries abut already demolished and cleared buildings.

The proposals for this plot consisted of residential dwellings fronting onto Western Road at ground floor and residential dwellings on all floors above. To the rear, commercial units are proposed at ground floor. At the core of this development an at grade car park is located beneath a podium deck landscape.

A significant amount time was spent by our landscape architect’s ensuring all proposed levels were Part M compliant and that they tied into existing levels. This was particularly important along the Western Road boundary as sections of the site along this elevation was to be adopted by Highways. Numerous meetings were had with Haringey’s Highways Engineer to ensure they were happy with the levels proposed.

At the centre of this development at level one, located above the residents parking, a communal landscape space has been accommodated. This has been designed for the enjoyment of the residents of this development. At its centre is a children play space, this provides play opportunities for children aged 0 years to 11 years. Incorporated into the play space topography is an undulating landform. This allows for larger species of planting to be incorporated into the design in strategic locations. Benches have been strategically located to provide places for parents and carers to sit.

Landscape Institutes Work Stages: 4a to 6

Client: London Borough of Haringey

Architect: Delta Architects

Developer/ Contractor: Formation Design and Build