
Our landscape architects believe the quality of our public and shared landscape spaces have a direct impact on the overall quality of our lives. When designing public spaces we aim to make opportunities for all members of society and encourage human interaction outside that of the usual day-to-day encounters. We are mindful that we share the environment and resources of this planet with the creatures and plants upon it. With this in mind we aim to design landscape spaces in a manner which is sustainable and one that enhances the existing ecology of a site. When sourcing materials for our landscape designs we consider their provenance so as to minimise the detrimental impact our proposals have on the environment. For the landscape architect to design high quality public spaces, both the intellect and the emotions must be engaged. An insightful understanding of the emotional and physical needs of the end user is an integral part of our landscape design process. In addition, the landscape architect must consider the clients requirements, we always intend to deliver robust landscape design solutions which address the needs of a commercial market place. We pride ourselves on finding interesting, bespoke design solutions for each project that is sensitive to its local context.

As landscape architects we are responsible for the landscape design of spaces surrounding homes, work places, shopping centres (The Oaks) and places of relaxation. People pass through our designed landscapes, sometimes unknowingly, every day of their lives. We believe the quality our landscape proposals have the ability to lift or depress an individual’s mood. We therefore have a responsibility to design in a conscious manor so as to achieve the best outcome for the end user.

The design of school landscapes is an area where the landscape architect has a responsibility to children and society at large. Children spend a significant amount of time in the landscape spaces we design. It is therefore critical for the well being of our children that these landscape spaces provide a variety of prescriptive and non prescriptive play opportunities. These landscape places should be an extension of the classroom where children are encouraged to use their imagination, communicate and exercise in a safe and stimulating environment.