We are landscape architects experienced in the delivery of landscape designs associated with high-density urban residential (Bow road Phase 2) and mixed-use developments. We have a particular expertise in the design and specification of podium deck landscapes (The Oaks). These enable us to design valuable roof garden landscapes located above areas of residential parking, plant rooms and/ or residential units. These roof gardens provide meaningful amenity spaces for the residents of intensive developments where land value is at a premium. They may also function as public space where the public realm actually passes through a development (Marine Plaza).
Our company is also very experience in the landscape design of lower density housing estates (Star Lane). Working closely with the architect, engineer and client we are able to develop a landscape masterplan that satisfies the requirements of all parties. Working with a arboricultural consultants will provide advice on which existing on site trees should be retained and they will best be accommodated within the final landscape masterplan (Tyson Road). With input from the architect and transport consultant we will accommodate the required number of resident car parking spaces and consider the requirements of service vehicles and fire tender access (Tudor Court). We will advise on how pedestrian and cycle routes can best be accommodated into the landscape masterplan and suggest where publicly accessible amenity spaces and children’s play areas would best be located within the development masterplan (Oxford Stadium). The landscape design principals we encourage our clients to peruse for lower density residential developments are those of the ‘home zone’ and ‘shared space’ (Albyn’s Close). When well designed, these principals prioritise the pedestrian needs over those of the vehicle and create a pleasant, safe landscape environment in which pedestrian focused communities can live, grow and play (Grange Road).
Within our landscape architectural practice we have an established track record in the design and delivery of landscapes associated with schools. A well designed school landscape can help to stimulate a child imagination, provide them with opportunities to interact with each other and encourage both passive and active play. Working closely with the architect, we are experienced in the preparation of drawn and written material for consultation meetings with the school and the preparation of presentation material for exhibitions for consulting with the wider public (Avenue School). We are aware of the various Building Bulletin guidelines associated with informing good school landscape design. We are experienced in working with design and build contractors through all stages of the landscape design process from the initial meetings with the school; preparing landscape related information for consultations then planning submission; to the provision of a full landscape construction package of information (Stanley School).
As a practice we are experienced in the landscape design of business park, office park, research park and retail park type developments. We encourage clients to appoint a landscape architect at an early stage of the design process as this ensures a site wide layout is developed that best utilises existing site features (Chelmsford Business Park). We are able to work closely with the architect, civil engineer and client to develop a strategic landscape masterplan which satisfies the design requirements of all parties. We can help to define the individual plot boundaries; help to decide the best location for below ground infrastructure; help to decide the locations of vehicular and pedestrian infrastructure; accommodate the requirements of service vehicles and fire tender access; provide design advice on how best to accommodate site generated fill within the park’s boundary and provide advice on the retention of existing trees. We are used to dealing with the phased nature of this type of development and are able to provide a phased landscape masterplan to suit the requirements of the client. To tie in with the phased landscape masterplan, infrastructure and strategic planting design can be considered at an early stage of the project. This can provide a site wide landscape planting structure which can start to mature at an early stage of a project’s life. In addition this landscape infrastructure planting can provide valuable visual screening of undeveloped plots during the often long and numerous construction phases of this type of project.
To complement our strategic masterplan view of business park, office park, research park and retail park design we are also well experienced in the detailed landscape design of the individual plots (Chesterford Research park – Science Village). We are experienced in car park design and our landscape proposals generally intend to minimise the visual impact of car parking (Costa Coffee). We achieve this by the use of structural landscape planting within the car park, this includes the use of trees (Aldi Store, Witham). We advocate the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) for draining this type of parking as it provides environmental benefits. In addition SUDS may also provide cost benefits depending on the existing site drainage infrastructure.
We are experience in the design of play spaces within our landscape masterplans (Ruckholt Road), usually these are associated with housing developments (Oxford Stadium). For younger children we advocate the principals of natural play where rocks, logs, tree trunks, sand and ground modelling are incorporated into the landscape design (Bow Road Ph1). These natural elements may be used by children used for informal, non prescriptive play (Watts Grove). This type of play encourage children to use their imagination and invent their own games.
We find the landscape design guidelines provided by both the ‘Six Acre Standard’ and the Greater London Authority Special Planning Guidance ‘Providing for Children and Young Peoples Play and Informal Recreation’ useful sources of information.
Our landscape architects believe that plant selection and horticultural specification are critical to a successful landscape design. We pride ourselves on our extensive plant knowledge and appreciation of each plant’s specific requirements (Chequers Court). Our landscape designs select specific plant species which are particularly suited for each project, each environmental location and are intended provide all year round visual interest (Wapping High Street).
Where possible our planting designs specify a proportion of native plant species for their ability to provide habitat and food for our indigenous wildlife. This often ties in with the requirements set out in BREEAM and/ or Code for Sustainable Homes and working with an appointed ecologist the desired number of credits under these guidelines can be achieved (High Road). Native species are selected for their ornamental value and are combined carefully with non native ornamental species to achieve an attractive, ecologically sound planting design (Tyson Road).
We are experienced in the landscape design of new native UK habitat and achieve this by the careful selection and specification of native plant material. Landscape habitats we have specified include wild flower meadows, woodland planting and water’s edge planting. In order that these new habitats become established as required ongoing horticultural maintenance is essential. Our services include the provision of specific landscape maintenance plans to achieve this aim.
We are able to provide detailed design advice on the various systems and options available for green walls (Iverson Road). Once planted, ongoing horticultural maintenance is essential to ensure a green wall design continues to establish and improve with age. We are able to provide comprehensive or specific landscape maintenance plans to achieve this aim.
With the ever increasing pressure on our native flora and fauna created by intensive farming and the need for new housing there is a growing awareness of the importance of the need for measures to offset this loss of habitat. As landscape architects we are experienced in the implementation of the ecological requirements incorporated into BREEAM and Code For Sustainable Homes guidelines to help offset this loss. With our sound understanding of the principals of ecology and working closely with ecologists we can deliver landscape planting designs that are visually pleasing whilst being ecologically beneficial.
Any existing trees on site are valuable assets and, where possible and desirable, we would advise our clients to retain them (Little Heath). Where Tree Preservation Order (TPO) trees are present or if a site is located within a Conservation Area our clients are obliged to retain these trees in good health unless permission is given by the Local Authority to remove them. We are able to advise our client on how best to incorporate on site tree into landscape designs. We have a good understanding of the requirements contained within BS5837:2012 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction. Working closely with the architect we are able to help determine acceptable building footprints so as to maximising the usable spaces of a building plot and to minimise the final building’s impact on any trees which are to be retained (Avenue School). Working closely with arboricultural consultants we are able to provide robust detailed landscape design solutions which respect the root protection areas of existing trees (Stanley School).
We are a practice with a good understanding of the English Planning system in relation to landscape architecture. We provide our clients with the information required for the landscape element of a detailed or outline planning submission and/ or to discharge conditions/ reserved matters (Holcombe House & MIL Building). We are experience in dealing directly with the various landscape related departments of the Local Planning Authority to ensure that when a planning submission is made the landscape architect’s element is as complete as possible. We are experienced in the preparation of landscape drawings in response to Section 106 or Section 278 Agreements.
We are experienced in the preparation of Open Space Assessments (Salter Street), Landscape Assessments (The Oaks) and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA). If required we are able to provide landscape architect’s information for insertion into an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
We are very experienced in the design and specification of podium deck landscapes (The Grove). We are able to design green roof landscapes for public access (known as intensive roof gardens) (Wapping High Street) and ecologically beneficial extensive (bio-diverse) green roof solutions. Working closely with structural engineers, architects and irrigation specialists we are able to design valuable roof garden landscapes located above areas of residential parking (Silver Works), plant rooms and/ or residential units (The Oaks).
We are able to specify extensive bio-diverse roofs in areas where the public would not have access (Iverson Road). These provide valuable wildlife habitats for our native flora and fauna in locations which are of little developable value.
We understand the options available for the detailed design of podium deck landscapes and are able to advise our clients at the early stage of project on the limitations of each. Capital cost and ongoing maintenance costs may both be affected by decisions made at the early stage as to the type podium deck landscape to be specified.
Once our clients have made their choices on the types of podium deck landscape required we are able to provide full detailed landscape construction information to enable their projects to be realised.
Company Brochure 2020 [4 MB]Company Overview [622 KB]
CV-Justin Davis [2 MB]
CV-Shahid Joad [2 MB]
CV-Hanna Salomonsson [737 KB]
CV-Pranabanti Karmakar [502 KB]