We were appointed by a developer client as landscape architects on this 0.4ha proposed residential development located on a plot adjacent to a busy railway line in east London. Our scope was to develop a sketch landscape design to the satisfaction of the client and the design team. Once signed off we then tasked produced a detailed landscape design statement, with supporting landscape architect ‘s drawings, to support a detailed planning application.
The existing plot was triangular in shape, relatively flat, with an elevated railway line along one of its long edges to its north west. The embankment to the railway line contained a significant number of trees which were to be retained. To the south of the plot, along the other long boundary, existing rear gardens were located.
Our landscape architects designed the public realm to this development as a ‘Home Zone’ type space and the principles of shared surface were adopted. It was anticipated that pedestrians and vehicles would share the same space as no formal footway or carriageway were proposed. Our landscape architects considered approach suitable for this environment as the volume of traffic entering this site would be low, traffic speeds would be slow and sight lines were designed to be clear. It was intended the external environment to this site would provide opportunities for children to play.
Planting adjacent to the building edge provide some defensible space for the inhabitants of the units. These planters jut out into the shared space, providing residents with a clearly defined pedestrian zone before they enter the main space.
Generally the strategy adopted for the drainage of this site adopts Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems principles. Permeable block pavers were proposed in a number of locations and excess rain would be accommodated within a number of the planted areas.
Within the root protection areas of the existing trees to the north west boundary no dig construction principles were adopted and permeable block pavers were proposed. This will help to ensure the survival of these retained trees.
Landscape Institutes Work Stages: C to D
Client: L&Q Group
Architect: StockWool