Our landscape architects were appointed by a contractor client to develop an Outline Planning Approved landscape scheme for this residential site. We initially produced a sketch landscape design of our client and design team. We then went on to produce landscape architect ‘s information to satisfy Reserved Matters Conditions, produce a fully coordinated Tender and Construction landscape packages of information, and to monitor the on site external works as they progresses. In addition, we were tasked with developing a palette of external materials and Highway’s details to the satisfaction of the Borough’s Highway department.
The existing plot abutted the Public Highway to its north and eastern edges, Council Housing to its west and private housing to its southern boundary. At the north east corner of the pot is an existing sub station which was to be retained.
The architectural proposals consisted of four distinct residential blocks, in the style of terrace housing. A proposed carriageway with on street parking bisects the site east west. Two narrow street running north south were proposed, with one at the west end of the plot and one at the centre of the site, passing through the proposed building. Along the north edge of the plot, abutting Wheelers Cross, on street parking was proposed. All highways and footways were designed to adoptable standards and fire tender and refuse vehicle tracking was considered carefully by our landscape architects.
All ground floor dwellings had a private rear garden. Each garden consisted of a patio, grass and a shed. The difference in levels across the site was dealt with by our landscape architects within these garden zones. A number of strategically placed trees were required between the south east and south west blocks and to the southern boundary. These were intended to mitigate overlooking issues between these and neighbouring properties.
Landscape Institutes Work Stages: 4a to 6
Client: London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
Architect: Allies and Morrison
Developer/ Contractor: Jerram Falkus