Our landscape architects were appointed by a developer client to prepare two packages of landscape architect ‘s information to support two separate detailed planning submissions. The plot is a brownfield site and is currently occupied by a commercial building and an area of hard standing. Its southern elevation fronts onto the busy New Kent Road, close to the Brick Layers Arms roundabout.
The plot is approximately square in shape; with an existing school playground to its north; a commercial building to its west; a terrace of Victorian houses to its east and the New Kent Road to its south. Within the footway of the New Kent Road, just outside of the plot boundary, one significant tree is located.
The two landscape designs prepared by us were for student accommodation located above a flexible working space and a hotel located above a flexible working space. The landscape design for both proposals focused on the ground floor parking, green courtyard, pedestrian circulation and access arrangements; Level 1 extensive green roof; and Levels 4, 6 and 8 communal gardens.
Comments from the Local Authority and those following a Design Review Panel presentation were integrated into our landscape design. A significant number of climbers were added to the elevations of the building at all levels and appropriate robust planters were located accordingly. The climbers were intended to help minimise the visual impact of the building when approached from the flyover to the Brick Layers Arms roundabout and to provide additional ecological benefits.
The edge detail of the communal gardens were carefully considered by our landscape architects so as to minimise the potential for overlooking to the school playground and to the terrace of houses. This was achieved by setting back the pedestrian areas from the building edge and introducing appropriate raised planters with planting into this zone. Within these planters, bespoke benches were set, facing away from the building edge. At Level 8 a pergola structure with climbers was integrated in the landscape design to provide some shading and a sense of enclosure in this exposed location.
The proposed planting was carefully selected to suit its specified location. The communal roof gardens planting was selected to thrive in this exposed roof top environment. The planting to the small ground floor courtyard space was suitable for this tranquil, shady space.
Landscape Institutes Work Stages: 2 to 3
Client: Eden Vale Global
Architect: Clive Sall Architecture