Our landscape architects were appointed by a Local Authority developer client to prepare a landscape design to satisfy landscape related conditions for this proposed residential development located within an existing Local Authority owned housing estate. We were then tasked with the production of fully coordinated landscape architect ‘s Tender package of information.
Following this were appointed by the main contractor to develop our landscape design and tasked with the preparation of our Construction status landscape architect ‘s package of information. We were also required to monitor the on site works as they progressed.
The proposed building plot is located within the footprint of a block of underused storage facilities and an area of underused tarmac. In addition to the area of landscape surrounding the new building our remit was to prepare proposals for associated car parking which was to serve both the existing and new residents of this estate.
There are a significant number of existing trees to the west of the proposed building, within the vicinity of the reconfigured car parking area. It was a requirement of the Local Authority that these trees were to be retained in good health. Specific details were developed by our landscape architects to satisfy one of the Planning Conditions to this end.
Our landscape design suggested that the area of underused grass between the existing and proposed buildings should be reconfigured so as to create an attractive amenity space which incorporated elements of informal play. These included balancing logs, boulders, planting, benches and contoured landform. To the south west of the new building a second, smaller play are was incorporated.
Pedestrian and vehicular circulation we carefully considered within our landscape design. In addition, the occasional sub station access requirements were incorporated within our landscape proposals. All ground floor residential units were provided with defensible space between the individual dwelling and the public realm.
Landscape Institutes Work Stages: 4a to 6
Client: London Borough of Brent
Architect: Baily Garner
Developer/ Contractor: Thomas Sinden