We were appointed as landscape architects by a developer client on this change of use residential development. Once our initial landscape design was approved we proceeded with the preparation landscape architect ‘s information to submit to the Local Authority. In addition our scope was to produce a full landscape architect ‘s tender package of information to enable the tender of the external works. Once on site our remit was to monitor the on site works as they progressed.
The existing building was being converted from offices to residential use. This required the architect to review the fire strategy and provide additional exits to the building envelope. Our landscape design needed to review the parking configuration so as to provide allocated one parking space for each residential unit. In addition our design needed to incorporate a private garden to each ground floor unit.
The site is accessed via a communal private road and careful consideration was given to refuse and fire tender access, turning and egress. In addition the vehicular tracking for all private parking spaces needed to be considered so as to allow easy parking and turning on this constrained site.
Our landscape architects considered levels carefully so as to minimise site generated fill, as this would need to be carted away to a land fill site. The existing tarmac was therefore retained where possible and a resin bound overlay was applied. Two colours of resin bound gravel were proposed. These were designed with banding to indicate its use as a shared space not primarily for vehicular use. It is intended that this ‘Home Zone’ principal would encourage door step play and provide safe access for residents across this space.
An avenue of trees with blocks of planting to their base were proposed throughout this ‘Home Zone’ space. These act as narrowing points in the vehicular access route and will encourage cars to slow down. In addition these trees will provide an element of privacy for residents of this development and the existing adjacent properties.
Landscape Institutes Work Stages: E to L
Client: CG Towers
Architect: Randall Architecture