We were appointed by a developer client as landscape architects on this proposed new build residential development, located off Worsley Bridge Road, Bromley. The existing site area measures about 2.0Ha and is located on a former sports ground which has been unmanaged for a number of years. The entire site area is classified as Metropolitan Open Land. To the south and west of the plot existing sports ground and playing fields are located. To the plot’s north and east boundaries, residential dwellings abut the boundary. Existing allotments are located at the plot’s north east corner. To the south boundary, adjacent to the Worsley Bridge Road, a significant existing tree belt is located.
Within our landscape design a significant portion of the plot has been given over to sports facilities and outdoor activities. These are located between the Worsley Bridge Road and the proposed residential development towards the rear of the plot. The proposed facilities include three dedicate play ground areas which catered for all ages of children; three padel tennis courts; and three tennis courts. Changing rooms are also proposed to support these facilities.
Towards the rear of the plot, surrounding the proposed dwellings, the paving has been carefully specified and arranged to clearly delineate footpaths, carriageways and crossings. Spaces adjacent to proposed ground floor dwellings were carefully considered so as to provide privacy to their residents.
Ecology was a big driving force behind a significant number of landscape design decisions. The majority of trees and hedging species specified are of native provenance. The majority of the ground cover planting is either native or sourced from the Royal Horticultural Society’s Plants for Pollinators list. Large areas of coppiced Hazel and flower rich grassland have been proposed.
SUDS also features heavily within our landscape design. Permeable surfaces and paving and rain gardens that collect water from carriageways and roofs are featured within our landscape design.